Cleansing & Rebooting Your Energy by Donna Lakes

self-care Mar 21, 2024
Cleansing & Rebooting Your Energy by Donna Lakes

It's Summertime! GET OUTSIDE while it's lovely! One of the best ways to clear and reboot your energy is to spend time in the fresh air in nature! All the elements can cleanse your energy! Getting out into the fresh air can bring a new perspective. It's good for your lungs and your body also. Wind – stand in the wind and ask it to release any energies that no longer serve you. But keep in mind darkness is in service to the light. The darkness grabs our attention and urges us to create change, which we can utilize as long as we are awakened and aware. We are always in charge- what we vibrate at, we create. If we fear darkness will cause harm, we almost permit it to do so. Instead, thank it and send it on its way.

The smoke from a fire or the flames themselves can assist us in energy cleansing. Sage, Palo Santo, and other herbs have long been used in what we call smudging ceremonies. Smudging ceremonies involve burning herbs to cleanse and clear energy or using prayer or spells to create or bring about certain things or events and blessings! Frankincense or other essential oils or incense are used to create blessings and bring in positive energy.

Water, particularly salt water, has often been used to detox an individual's body and energy. The church blessed the holy water. It was used to create blessings or anoint the drinking water prayed over by monks! Reiki practitioners have been known to bless drinking water! A shower can not only wash off the dirt, but it can wash off the energy of the day. The rain can wash away energy and create a purified state with the ions in the water.

As healers, we often give energy to the Earth to transmute! Many elements of the Earth are used in the ceremony. Salt is added to water to clean our bodies, and crystals create a detox effect both on our physical level and our energetic field or aura. Crystals themselves are used for their various meanings and different unique properties. For example, smoky quarts are used for grounding and protecting our energy.

Take the time to lay under the stars at night! Lay in the grass and identify the shapes and designs out of the clouds! Swim in our Great Lakes or the smaller inland lakes. You are in for a treat if you have never been to Michigan. I encourage you to get out and smell the flowers! Nature is the best medicine, whether we use herbs for healing or play in nature to feed our souls. Nature is the best way to heal, cleanse, relax, play, recharge, and reboot. Enjoy the summer while we have it. It tends to fly by, so take advantage of it. Use nature as a healing tool. There is healing and cleansing in every one of the Earth's elements! Let nature be your tool to help manage your energy or to create healing!


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