Releasing Negative Energy With Smudging by Donna Lakes

self-care Mar 21, 2024
Releasing Negative Energy With Smudging by Donna Lakes
 Releasing Negative Energy With Smudging



Smudging has been an ancient practice of many indigenous people worldwide for centuries. The traditional smudging method is burning sacred herbs to produce a smoke cloud. The smoke emitted from the herb bundle is then used to cleanse negative energy and purify living spaces, people, and even objects like tools, furniture, and home decor. Smudging was traditionally used in various cleansing, prayer, purification ceremonies, and healing rituals.

Cleansing a space or our bodies with smudging clears away emotional and psychic “waste” stored there. Imagine hundreds of years worth of “waste” waiting to be eliminated. It’s like spiritual detoxification. The aroma of sage (a common herb used in smudging) increases the oxygen supply to the brain, producing a relaxation of muscle tension. In addition, the smoke from some herbs changes the molecular structure of air and energy, creating a cleansing effect. The sense of smell is connected to instinct and memory, so burning smudge sticks is a very effective aromatherapy for combating feelings of depression, anger, fear, frustration, resentment, and grief.

This energetic, aromatic smoke sauna releases negative ions, creating a positive mood. Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules we inhale in abundance in specific environments. They are made by the sun and water. Think of how you feel near mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once negative ions reach our bloodstream, they produce biochemical reactions that increase serotonin levels, helping to alleviate depression and relieve stress, and it can even give us an energy boost.

High concentrations of negative ions can also clear the air of mold spores, pollen, pet dander, odors, cigarette smoke, bacteria, viruses, dust, and other hazardous airborne particles. Our homes, objects, and bodies do not consist of purely physical matter; they vibrate with subtle, invisible energy.

In our modern society of computers, TVs, smartphones, household appliances, carpets, and upholstery – our homes have become “positive ion prisons.” For this reason, negative ions from smudging are beneficial in counteracting these effects. Scientific research has found that burning smudge staves can cleanse the surrounding air of harmful bacteria. So, instead of grabbing the Lysol spray, consider a home clearing.

Some Known Benefits of Home Clearing:

  • Increasing your sense of well-being and improving mental focus.
  • Removes the debilitating effects of excess positive ions in the air.
  • Clearing negative energy of anger, fear, anxiety, grief, and depression.“Nature’s antidepressant.”
  • They are clearing the air. In addition to bacteria, smudging can help clear the air of pollen, pet dander, dust, mold spores, and other potential allergens to improve allergy symptoms.
  • It cleans objects, allowing the smoke to clear them so it doesn’t affect you or your environment.
  • Relaxing effects include lowering blood pressure, relieving stress and tension, normalizing breathing rates, and helping fight off damaging free radicals that lead to premature aging and disease.
  • Increased energy normalizes serotonin, which can help boost mood and create a more positive outlook.
  • Improved sleep. An Italian study showed that negative ions can help improve sleep patterns and positively affect serotonin production.

When Is A Good Time To Get Home Cleared:

  • When you move into a new living space
  • When you begin a new job or start your own business
  • Before and after a guest enters your home
  • After an argument
  • After any illness or disease
  • After group gatherings at your home

Smudging should be part of our regular deep cleansing routine. You may also want to do it when you’re feeling gloomy, have been surrounded by negative energy, or after group gatherings.

Go to to set up your home clearing today with Angela, or email [email protected] with your contact information, and someone will contact you to book. Clearing pricing ranges from $120 to $150.





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