ASHA Blogs

Learn the Basics of Reiki by Donna Lakes reiki certification reiki healing Mar 21, 2024

Reiki is probably the most well-known and popular form of energy healing in the world today. It has become mainstream in most countries, especially in the United...

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Releasing Negative Energy With Smudging by Donna Lakes self-care Mar 21, 2024
 Releasing Negative Energy With Smudging



Smudging has been an ancient practice of many indigenous people worldwide for centuries. The...

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Cleansing & Rebooting Your Energy by Donna Lakes self-care Mar 21, 2024

It's Summertime! GET OUTSIDE while it's lovely! One of the best ways to clear and reboot your energy is to spend time in the fresh air in nature! All the...

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Healing from Rejection by Donna Lakes limited beliefs self-care Mar 21, 2024

First, let me start by saying rejection is an illusion! Other people’s behavior is always about them and their story, even if someone blames someone else. You can...

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The Ultimate Reiki Healing Guide by Donna Lakes energy healing reiki healing Mar 21, 2024

What is Reiki?

If you have spent any time researching ways to become more balanced and in tune with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy on Google, then you most likely came across...

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Benefits of EarSeeds by Michael Allison ear seeds health and wellness health protocol holistic lifestyle self-care Mar 21, 2024

Hey there! Ever heard of ear seeds? They're like a little secret weapon in the world of acupuncture. Picture this: you leave your acupuncturist's office with these tiny band-aids stuck behind your...

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Aroma Point Reiki Benefits by Michael Allison acu aroma reiki aroma point reiki aromatherapy energy healing health protocol holistic healing reiki healing self-care Mar 21, 2024

Focused on holistic care and prevention, I am a Reiki Master and completed Aroma Point Reiki training with Angela Sidlo to support others in their healing journey. At Prismatic Flower Essences, I...

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What is Gemmotherapy? By Michael Allison extracts gemmotherapy health protocol herbal medicine holistic lifestyle tinctures Mar 21, 2024

Are you intrigued by Gemmotherapy? Let's dive into this fascinating therapy model together. Gemmotherapy harnesses the power of plant bud extracts and other embryonic plant tissues freshly...

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The Benefits of Crystal Healing by Michael Allison crystal healing energy healing health and wellness Mar 21, 2024

Are you interested in exploring the ancient practice of crystal therapy? Crystals have been used for centuries to promote holistic healing and overall well-being. From the Egyptians to modern-day...

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Are Flower Essences the Missing Piece in Your Self-Care Routine? energy healing flower essences health and wellness holistic lifestyle inner child healing self-care subconscious reprogramming Jul 31, 2023

Discover the wonders of flower essence therapy and how it can transform your self-care routine. This holistic approach to healing addresses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, offering...

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The Significance of Subconscious Reprogramming in Personal Healing and Humanity's Progress inner child healing subconscious reprogramming Jul 26, 2023

What is subconscious reprogramming? Why is it essential for us to individually and for humanity? 

To define subconscious reprogramming, we must first truly understand the subconscious mind....

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